Is the container in semantic ui being breached by a segment overflow?

I've recently started learning Semantic UI.

One issue I'm facing is that the width of the "segment" overflows the "container."

Check this JSFiddle for more clarity.

Are there any alternative solutions?

In addition to the grid system, I'm also struggling with padding (without modifying the custom CSS).

Thank you for any advice you can provide.

<div class="ui container">
        <h1 class="ui huge header">Your Logo
            <span class="ui sub header">Using Single layout to create several looks</span>



    <div class="ui inverted brown segment">
        <div class="ui inverted secondary  menu">
            <a class="ui brown big button">

            <a class="ui brown big button">
            <a class="ui brown big button">

    <div class="ui grid">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="ui inverted  green placeholder segment column">




Answer №1

The content within the grid may overflow from its container due to the utilization of negative margins in semantic grids. To ensure proper alignment with the container edges, a margin of -1rem is applied on all sides of the grid. This issue arises because there are gutters present on the sides of the grid columns. You can resolve this by implementing a "padded grid" variation. More information can be found at

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