The combination of two tags can create a powerful and impactful presence

My task is to place two <h3> tags in the same line or paragraph.

<h3>This is the first paragraph. </h3>
<h3>This is the second paragraph.</h3>

I would like the output to look like this:

This is the first paragraph. This is
Second paragraph

Essentially, the second tag should be a continuation of the first one. When my width is reached, it should move to the next line and start at the beginning like shown above.

I have come across examples on stack overflow similar to this:

This is the first paragraph.  This is Second 

However, I prefer not to use flex box or aligning techniques. I want all tags to be within a single paragraph.

Answer №1

To solve this issue, simply include display: inline for both elements as shown below:

<h3 style="display: inline">First example paragraph.</h3>
<h3 style="display: inline">Second example paragraph.</h3>

If preferred, you can also apply this in a CSS file using classes. It's a simple and effective solution.

Answer №2

When dealing with headings in HTML, remember that they are block elements by default. If you want multiple headings to appear next to each other without the block styling, consider using display: inline in your CSS.

Keep in mind that having consecutive heading elements may not be ideal for web accessibility. It's generally better practice to combine them into one heading if possible. Is there a specific reason you need separate heading elements?

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