Issue with specific selectors causing React CSS module malfunction

Currently, I am a beginner in learning React and have been experimenting with CSS modules.

Even though Menu.module.css is mostly functioning correctly, it seems to be having an issue applying styles to the .menu a.last selector for some reason (although it works perfectly fine for .menu a). This problem persists when using CSS modules, but it functions as expected when using plain CSS.


import styles from './Menu.module.css'

export default function Menu({ className, items = [], children }) {
    return (
    <div className={`menu ${} ${className || ''}`}>
      {children ? <h2>{children}</h2> : ''}
        {, i) => (
          <li key={i}>
              className={item.className || ''}


.menu a {
  color: black;
  text-decoration: none;

.menu a.last {
  background: red !important;

To view the code and HTML image, click here:

I have attempted to access the a.last element through the console using the same querySelector as specified in the CSS file. It appears that this may indicate there is a logical issue or that CSS Modules selectors behave differently than regular CSS in this instance.

Although I believe this should be an easy problem to solve, I am currently unable to figure it out. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

After switching back to plain CSS to verify if it would work, it did indeed work.

Despite starting from scratch with CSS Modules, the problem persisted when attempting to apply styles again.

As an additional test, I tried changing class names and even used a plain class name (not randomly generated by the CSS Modules compiler), but the issue remained unresolved while still working with the .module.css file.

Answer №1

My recommendation would be to utilize

className={styles[item.className] || ''}

item.className doesn't point to a CSS module.

Answer №2

Resolved by cheesyMan: I overlooked the fact that all class names in the CSS file had changed after using CSS modules. I only utilized the .menu CSS module selector without considering the .last CSS module selector/property. The code was written as .menu_random123 a.last (incorrect) when it should have been .menu_random123 a.last_random123. It was difficult to spot this mistake because the .last class was inherited from the parent element.

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