Is it wise to use position absolute when floating a React JS tag around a component?

I am eager to dive into a challenging project. My goal is to replicate the design shown in the image below using React JS. Initially, I considered using position: absolute and manipulating the positioning of my divs accordingly. However, upon closer inspection, accomplishing this task seems daunting due to the numerous tags needed for responsiveness and the tedious nature of manually adjusting pixel values. I am now seeking advice or perhaps a plugin that can help simplify this process. Feel free to respond with basic colored square-rectangles if it aids in explaining how I can achieve this effect without focusing on the specific design.

Presently, I have the following code structure:

React JS divs:

profile_picture = () => {
return (
  <div className="profilepicturetechstack">


CSS associated class:

.profilepicturetechstack {
  display: flex;
.text-1-3 {
  text-align: left;

If you could offer some guidance or best practices while omitting my code to focus on the main purpose, I would greatly appreciate it. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Thank you!

Figma screenshot for reference:

Answer №1

Ramesh brought up a crucial point in the comments about the necessity of absolute positioning for the list items enclosing the main div.

  • To ensure that the list items are not impacted by flexbox, create a container div around them with the same width and height dimensions as the home className.
  • Eliminate all flex containers within the classNames of the list items. Instead, utilize position: absolute to utilize right, left, bottom, and top properties. Experiment with different values using percentages or pixels for desired placements. You can find more information on using either pixels or percentages in this article:
  • For responsive resizing, employ media queries. Using the !important property is crucial to prioritize the appropriate value based on screen size. For further details on media queries, refer to

Here's an example of how one of the list items for responsive resizing could be styled:

.frame-1-6 {  
     position: absolute;
     padding: 16px 24px;
     left: -200px; //Over 900px
     bottom: 115%; //Over 900px
     border: 1px solid black;
     width: 200px;
     box-shadow: 0 40px 30px rgba(25, 25, 46, 0.04);
     border-radius: 16px;
     background-color: #ffffff;

 @media screen and (max-width: 900px) {
     .frame-1-6 {
       left: -150px !important; //Under 900px
       bottom: 100% !important; //Under 900px

In the interactive demonstration, I have positioned some of your list items in their respective areas to illustrate the functionality.

Demonstration Link:

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