How can I customize the appearance of the container and items in a dropdown <select> menu?

Im using contact form 7 on wordpress, i don't want to use a plugin rather use plain css/js to bring the results if possible.

Something like this :

Answer №1

Each web browser interprets the select element differently. To create a custom select element that looks consistent across all browsers, you can use UL and LI elements to mimic a list.

Take a look at this example, which demonstrates how you can achieve a uniform appearance for selects on various browsers and mobile devices.

An example of how your select element might look:

    <li class="init">[SELECT]</li>
    <li data-value="value 1">Option 1</li>
    <li data-value="value 2">Option 2</li>
    <li data-value="value 3">Option 3</li>

Answer №2

Assigning an id to your dropdown allows you to utilize jQuery to select the id and access its children using the children method. You can even target specific child elements.

Here's an example:

$("dropdownId").children().css({"color": "yellow", "border": "1px solid red"});

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