Is there a way to change TTF files into OTF format?

I am looking to utilize the @font-face feature and have my fonts stored in TrueType (TTF) format. Can anyone advise on how to convert TTF to OpenType (OTF) format?

Answer №1

If you're utilizing a Linux operating system, FontForge is a valuable tool that can be automated using Python scripts.

import fontforge
font ="STIXGeneral.otf")

For those looking to convert multiple fonts in a directory all at once, check out this comprehensive Python script:

Answer №2

Finding the correct way to accomplish this task was quite challenging. Here is the method that finally worked for me on my Mac operating system.

$ brew install fontforge
$ fontforge  -c 'Open("my.ttf"); Generate("my.otf")'

I had originally been searching for pip install fontforge, only to discover it does not actually exist. I couldn't get it to work with python either - it seems like you may need to compile it with --enable-pyextension or something similar.

Answer №3

By utilizing the TTF file format directly in CSS, you can achieve the following:

@font-face { 
font-family: Mustard; 
src: url(; 

h3 {
font-family: Mustard, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;


Alternatively, try using this link to create your own custom font face!

Answer №4

After a speedy search on Google for converting ttf to otf files, I found several options to explore:

I can't guarantee their effectiveness, but they might be worth checking out.

Answer №5

To ensure compatibility across browsers and mobile devices, it is essential to have three different font formats:

  1. Embedded OpenType: eot for Internet Explorer 6-8.
    Utilize a command line converter like the one available at:

  2. Web Open Font Format: woff abiding by W3C recommendations for webfonts found here:
    Explore a conversion tool accessible at:

  3. TrueType: ttf ideal for Safari and Opera users.

  4. (Consider adding Scalable Vector Graphics: svg for older iOS versions…)

The reliable @font-face Syntax consists of:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Vinegar';
  src: url('vinegar.eot?') format('embedded-opentype'),
       url('vinegar.woff') format('woff'),
       url('vinegar.ttf') format('truetype'),
       url('vinegar.svg#svgVinegar') format('svg');

Additional references:

You may also find this tool useful:

Answer №6

It has been noted by others that fontforge scripting now utilizes python instead. I discovered the simplest method was to run python from the command line.

I successfully converted multiple ttf fonts to otf on Arch Linux using this approach, but it should be applicable to other distributions by installing fontforge with your preferred package manager.

[user@host]$ sudo pacman -S fontforge
[user@host]$ cd /path/to/your/fonts/folder
[user@host]$ python
>>> import fontforge
>>> import os
>>> fonts = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.ttf')]
>>> for font in fonts:
...      f =
...      f.generate(font[:-3] + 'otf')  # modifies extension from ttf to otf
>>> exit()

Answer №7

Check out the Font Squirrel @font-face generator for all your font needs!

Answer №8

Perhaps you could give this a shot as well:

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