Hover state remains persistent even after modal window is activated in outouchend

One of the buttons on my website has a hover effect that changes its opacity. This button is used to share information on Facebook.

It's a simple feature to implement.

Here is the CSS code:

.social_vk, .social_fb {        
    height: 38px;
    object-fit: contain;
    cursor : pointer;
    opacity: 1;

.social_vk:hover, .social_fb:hover {
    opacity: 0.7;

And here is the HTML code:

<div class="social">
<img src="/images/vk.svg" class="social_share social_vk" data-type="vk" ontouchstart="this.style.opacity = '0.8'" ontouchend ="this.style.opacity = '1'">
<img src="/images/facebook.svg" class="social_share social_fb" data-type="fb" ontouchstart="this.style.opacity = '0.8'" ontouchend="this.style.opacity = '1'">

The issue is when tapping on the button, it opens a modal window for Facebook and the button's opacity remains at 0.8.

I'm not sure how to resolve this problem as I seem to be stuck here.

Answer №1

Utilizing the styles property to change styles may lead to unintended consequences due to them being inline. It is recommended to instead apply or remove another class from the element for smoother handling.

The primary modification is as follows:

ontouchstart="this.classList.add('hover')" ontouchend="this.classList.remove('hover')"

Keep in mind:

The touchstart event will only be functional on touch screen devices.

.social_vk, .social_fb {        
    height: 38px;
    object-fit: contain;
    cursor : pointer;
    opacity: 1;

.social_vk:hover, .social_fb:hover ,
.social_vk.hover, .social_fb.hover {
    opacity: 0.7;
<div class="social">
<img src="" class="social_share social_vk" data-type="vk" ontouchstart="this.classList.add('hover')" ontouchend ="this.classList.remove('hover')">
<img src="" class="social_share social_fb" data-type="fb" ontouchstart="this.classList.add('hover')" ontouchend="this.classList.remove('hover')">

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