How can you achieve three layers of nested quotes in Dynamic HTML?

Working on an app that utilizes JQuery and JQTouch for iOS. The issue I'm facing involves dynamically generated HTML lists where the user clicks a row that needs to be highlighted. However, achieving this has proven tricky due to nesting 3 sets of quotes in the code. Currently, I have it functioning using JQuery, but I am looking for a more efficient inline solution since it's just a simple CSS modification. Here's a snippet of my code:

CURRENT_answerHTML += '<li id="1" onClick="this.className=nmclicked">' + localResultsArray[currentQuestionNumber].answer1_text + '</li>\n';

The class nmclicked must be enclosed in quotes from what I understand, but all attempts at proper escaping haven't been successful. The CSS styling is straightforward:

li.nmclicked { background: #5C94E7; }

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

ADDITIONAL_answerHTML += '<li id="1" onClick="this.className=\'clickednm\'">' + localResultsArray[currentQuestionNumber].answer1_text + '</li>\n';

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