The issue with the Material UI Drawer component is that it is casting a shadow even when

Having some trouble with the Material UI Drawer component. Whenever I try to display it on my webpage, it automatically focuses on the inner div, adding a shadow or border if the focus is anywhere else. Does anyone know why this shadow appears and how to remove it? See screenshot below for reference - notice the blue edge at the bottom (this occurs all around if the element is resized).

Interestingly, clicking on content within the Drawer such as a List element makes the shadow disappear. I suspect it has something to do with the component behaving like a modal?

<Drawer PaperProps={{ className: classes.floatingMenu }} anchor='top' open onClose={() => {}}>
    <div className={classes.dummy}>

Note: The floatingMenu class simply adds a 55px margin at the top (equal to the height of the AppBar), no other styles are applied.

Answer №1

It may seem a bit complex, but it's definitely feasible with just a few adjustments in terms of props and styling. The element that is darkening the background of the UI is actually the Backdrop within the Modal component. When the Drawer is set to temporary mode, it utilizes the Modal. The visibility of the shade can be controlled by the hideBackdrop prop of the Modal, which can also be passed directly to the Drawer.

However, the Modal itself will still cover the entire viewport until the Drawer is closed, making other parts of the UI unclickable. While there may not be a simpler solution, you can make the Modal element "click-through" by setting its pointer-events to none using CSS styling. To re-enable clicks on the drawer, just revert its pointer-events to all.

For example, you could achieve this with inline styles using the style prop:

<Drawer hideBackdrop style={{ pointerEvents: 'none' }}>
  <div style={{ pointerEvents: 'all' }}>
    I'm a sidebar!

Here's a live example for reference.

If you want to customize Material UI's styles further, you can apply the pointer-events rule to the Paper within the Drawer through the classes prop.

Answer №2

After delving deeper into the documentation, I found a simpler solution to resolve the issue at hand. The Modal component's page mentions:

Notice that you can disable the outline (often blue or gold) with the outline: 0 CSS property.

Instead of making changes to the main component or its inner components as initially thought, I opted to add an additional CSS class outline: 0 to the existing floatingMenu (which is already included in the PaperProps):

floatingMenu: {
    marginTop: '55px',
    outline: 0

Implementing this adjustment successfully resolved the issue, eliminating the appearance of the unwanted blue shadow border.

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