Include a back button during the loading of a URL in an Electron application

Within my Electron application, I have implemented elements that, upon clicking, redirect to a URL. However, navigating back to the previous (local) page is not currently achievable.

Is there a feasible method to incorporate a layered back button on top of the external URL in order to navigate back to the previous page?

Answer №1

Although I haven't personally had the opportunity to use it, there are navigation features available in the webContent instances:


This function clears the navigation history.


Enables the browser to navigate back a web page.


Allows the browser to move forward through a web page.

And more. It seems like you have the tools to accomplish your task.

Answer №2

On this particular Page Do not neglect to

const electricity = window.require('electricity');
const { power } = electricity;

Application.js (or any other page)

const returnToPreviousPage = async () => {
  // Transmitting asynchronous message
  power.send('goBackHomeBoi', 'Please Send Me Some Data')
  // Dealing with incoming asynchronous message
  power.on('WentBack', (event, data) => {

subsequently, you may include a button on the page which's onClick is linked to this function.

base.js (electric main)

 // Handling events for incoming asynchronous messages
powerMain.on('goBackHomeBoi', async (event, arg) => {
    event.sender.send('WentBack', 'Success')

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