Is it possible for HTML/CSS styling for print, background color, and image not to display in both IE and Firefox?

Is there a way to display the background color and image when printing? I understand this is typically controlled by browser properties, but I'm looking to customize it with CSS. For example, on webkit, I use

-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
. How can I accomplish this in CSS?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, it cannot be done. Check out this resource for more information: -webkit-print-color-adjust

The -webkit-print-color-adjust property is a custom CSS feature that specifically caters to background colors and images for WebKit-based browsers.

Regrettably, no similar solution exists for users of Firefox or IE.

Your only option in these cases would be manually unchecking the "Print background colors" checkbox in the print dialog before printing.

Answer №2

Google Maps and Bing Maps employ a clever CSS technique using oversized table cell borders and negative margins. Surprisingly, many other websites have yet to adopt this strategy.

While there doesn't seem to be any official documentation on how to replicate this effect, keen observers who examine the DOM structure of Google Maps or Bing Maps printouts may discover a workaround to bypass similar limitations.

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