Is it common for functions to be outlined in standard CSS practices?

I am curious if the CSS standard includes definitions for "functions"; I have not come across any information about them on w3schools or other sources.

When I refer to "functions," I am talking about calls such as rgb(int, int, int) or url(string) that are used in CSS declarations. Although they resemble functions, they are never invoked as such.

In regular CSS usage, are they commonly referred to as "functions" or are they considered just like any other values in declarations?

Answer №1

While they may resemble functions, they are actually just a way to write values in CSS.

These features are included in the CSS standard:

(Although w3schools provides some information, it's not exhaustive and may contain mistakes. For accurate documentation of standards, refer to W3C resources.)

Older versions of Internet Explorer allowed for expressions in CSS styles, but this was never part of the official standards and has since been removed from IE.

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