Dots are used to indicate overflow of title in React Material UI CardHeader

Is there a way to add ellipsis dots to the title in my Cardheader when it exceeds the parent's width (Card width)? Here is what I have attempted so far:

  card: {
    width: 275,
    display: "flex"

  overflowWithDots: {
    textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
    whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
    overflow: 'hidden',
    width: '100px'

  <Card className={classes.card}>
         <Typography gutterBottom variant="h6" component="h4" className={classes.overflowWithDots}>

While this solution works, I have to manually set the class width to 100px for the dots to appear. How can I automatically add the dots when the title exceeds the parent element's width?

Answer №1

Even though the solution provided here is effective, for those utilizing mui v5, you can achieve the same result using the sx prop explained in this guide. By adjusting the .MuiCardHeader-content style and the titleTypographyProps prop, you can customize the title as desired. Additionally, I included an action button and subheader for further illustration.

import React from "react";
import { Card, CardHeader, IconButton } from "@mui/material";
import { MoreVert as MoreVertIcon } from "@mui/icons-material";

const SimpleCard = () => (
  <Card sx={{ width: "275px", display: "flex" }}>
        display: "flex",
        overflow: "hidden",
        "& .MuiCardHeader-content": {
          overflow: "hidden"
      title={"A very long title coooooooooooooool"}
      titleTypographyProps={{ noWrap: true }}
      subheader={"ps long subheader cooooooooooooool"}
      subheaderTypographyProps={{ noWrap: true }}
          <MoreVertIcon />

export default SimpleCard;

If you want to experiment with this implementation, feel free to visit the sandbox.

Answer №2


It appears that the limitation in placing ellipsis on the Card is due to the rendering of the CardHeader component in the HTML structure.

The CardHeader consists of a "root" element and a "content" element as shown below:

The Typography component has a built-in prop for adding ellipsis, called noWrap. In order for the noWrap property to function correctly, there are two possible solutions outlined below:

Option 1

If you do not require the flex behavior of CardHeader, you can disable it by setting the display property to "block" and overflow property to "hidden":


cardHeader: {
  display: "block",
  overflow: "hidden"


        <Typography noWrap gutterBottom variant="h6" component="h4">
           A world wide web - the revolution

Option 2

If you need to maintain the flex behavior of CardHeader, you can apply the overflow to both the root and content elements using the generated classes from the CardHeader classes property:


cardHeaderRoot: {
  overflow: "hidden"
cardHeaderContent: {
  overflow: "hidden"


           root: classes.cardHeaderRoot,
           content: classes.cardHeaderContent
        <Typography noWrap gutterBottom variant="h6" component="h4">
           A world wide web - the revolution


You can view an example in the provided sandbox link.


Please be cautious when modifying the default rendering behavior of components, as it may lead to unintended side effects across your component tree.

Final Thoughts

If you encounter any further issues, feel free to reach out to us for assistance.

Answer №3

Utilize Typography's built-in feature for adding ellipsis. Simply include the noWrap prop to Typography within your CardHeader component. This will automatically add ellipsis to the header text based on the width of the parent component.

<Card className={classes.card}>
      <Typography gutterBottom noWrap variant="h6" component="h4">

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