Exploring the use of the map function for iterating in a stepper component of

  • I've been attempting to integrate Redux Form into my stepper component.
  • However, I'm facing an issue where adding form fields results in them being displayed in all three sections.
  • To address this, I started reviewing the code for the stepper.
  • I discovered that the components are being iterated over using the map method.
  • As a workaround, I tried implementing an if condition to display the div and form tags based on the label.
  • Unfortunately, this approach isn't working as expected.
  • Could someone guide me on how to resolve this matter?
  • This will help me troubleshoot similar issues in the future.
  • I have shared my code snippet and sandbox link below:


return (
      <div className={classes.root}>
        <Stepper activeStep={activeStep} orientation="vertical">
          {steps.map((label, index) => {
            // Code snippets here...
        {activeStep === steps.length && (
          <Paper square elevation={0} className={classes.resetContainer}>
            <Typography>All steps completed - you're finished</Typography>
            <Button onClick={this.handleReset} className={classes.button}>

Answer №1

If you need to see a live demonstration, feel free to check out this codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/6l3wpo3xyr

In my opinion, the code in the sandbox is functioning correctly and written clearly. While there may be room for improvement, it's a good starting point.

I am willing to provide additional details or edit the answer as required.

Clarification on using Object.entries

In the component, I have defined an instance variable with key-value pairs:

steps = {
  "Select campaign settings": Step1,
  "Create an ad group": Step2,
  "Create an ad": Step3

This is a standard JavaScript Object. With ES6, the Object class offers the entries method which, when applied to an object like this, returns an array containing the key-value pairs:


  [ "Select campaign settings", Step1 ],
  [ "Create an ad group", Step2 ],
  [ "Create an ad", Step3 ]

By organizing the data in this format, it becomes easier to iterate over the key-value pairs using map. The map method of the Array class takes the current element of the array as its first argument. In this case, after using Object.entries, each element is a single array representing a key-pair:

Object.entries(steps)[0]  // [ "Select campaign settings", Step1 ]

Explanation of
.map(([ label, CustomStep ]) => ...

The usage of Array.map in the provided code snippet is a common practice. It allows for transforming an array by applying a mapping function. This function operates on each element of the array, returning a transformed result.

In this scenario, the array being iterated is the key-value pair structure obtained from Object.entries. Thanks to ES6 destructuring capabilities, both arrays and objects can be deconstructed easily:

// Traditional approach:
.map(element => {
  // Access elements like element[0], element[1]

// ES6 destructuring inside map function:
.map(([ label, CustomStep ]) => {
  // Here, label represents index 0 (element[0])
  // CustomStep represents index 1 (element[1])

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