Tips for navigating a dynamic viewport using scroll movement

Attempting to create a responsive page with two distinct sections at this example link including:

  1. Map View
  2. Table View

Both of these views (table and map divs) need to be responsive without a hard-coded height, so the size of the map div adjusts automatically based on the viewport. Currently, the size is hardcoded. How can this issue be resolved?

In addition to the table and map views, there are two control buttons named "gomap" and "gotable". While I have successfully positioned the "gomap" button in the second div (table), I am struggling to add the first control.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <div id="map"></div>
   <div id="table"></div>

Answer №1

Is this what you're looking for? You can achieve the desired effect by using this code snippet. By utilizing position:absolute, you can easily adjust the height as a percentage. Additionally, the reason your button didn't fade in could be because the scrollTo function was triggered at the same time as another button's fadeIn animation.

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