Dimensions of CSS Buttons

On my screen, I have 3 buttons with varying sizes determined by their padding. As the text wraps within each button, they adjust in height accordingly. However, the issue arises when the buttons end up being different heights. Instead of setting a specific height for each button, I would like them to dynamically adjust based on the text content and maintain equal height.

Is there a way to ensure that all buttons are as tall as the tallest one?

Answer №1

If you simply include display: flex; in the container of the buttons, it will automatically align them:

<div class="buttons-container">
    <button>Click Me</button>
    <button>Click Me Too<br> Not Me</button>
    <button>Another Button</button>

Answer №2

When I need to align elements in this way, my go-to solution is using the flex layout technique. This method is well-supported by all major web browsers. Visit https://www.w3schools.com/cSS/css3_flexbox.asp to learn more.

<div style="display:flex;">
<button>Button 1
<button style="font-style:2em;">Button 2
<button>Button 3

To see an example, check out: https://jsfiddle.net/rw0a4p5j/4/

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