Is it possible to host three separate web pages within a single Firebase project on Firebase Hosting?

Imagine I have set up a project called ExampleApp on Firebase.

I've designed a page with a form for users to submit data, hosted by Firebase. The Cloud Firestore database is storing this submitted data when the user completes the form and hits submit.

It's crucial that the person responsible for analyzing the data can easily access it in an organized and visually appealing manner.

Therefore, I need to create credentials for a specific individual so they can log in and view the data in a beautiful layout. This login should be arranged by me.

Given that I require another webpage or method for this administrator to access the authenticated database interface featuring a username/password form, would I need to establish a separate project on Firebase?

While it would be ideal to keep everything within the same Firebase project, it seems hosting only allows for a single web-page, correct?

All elements could operate under the same domain.

Answer №1

If you want to expand your Firebase hosting directory, feel free to add as many pages as you desire alongside the index.html page (which can be renamed). You can even organize them into sub-directories, all within a single Firebase project.

It's important to note that while your pages themselves are not protected by authentication/authorization, the crucial aspect is securing the data displayed on those pages.

For instance, a page showcasing "data beautifully organized" could be accessed by anyone with its URL. However, without proper authentication/authorization, the user won't see the intended data from the Firebase database (Real Time DB or Firestore). This security is maintained by configuring the appropriate rules at the database level.

In essence, the containers are fully accessible to the public for those who know their URLs, but the content is safeguarded by Firebase's authentication mechanism as well as the security rules established in the database for authorization purposes.

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