The issue with the left border color not functioning in JavaScript

Attempting to alter the border-left-color property using this script is resulting in a

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token -

Is border-left-color actually supported?


function logoChange() { 
var description = new Array ();
description[0] = "images/logo/blue.png";
description[1] = "images/logo/green.png";
description[2] = "images/logo/orange.png";
description[3] = "images/logo/purple.png";
description[4] = "images/logo/red.png";
description[5] = "images/logo/yellow.png";
var size = description.length;
var x = Math.floor(size*Math.random());

var colors = ['#20A3DC', '#72BF48', '#F58623', '#AF3292', '#EA352E', '#FED608'];

var thecolor = colors[x];

$('li span').css({color: thecolor});

$(".orbit-container .orbit-next span").hover(function () {
        'border-left-color': thecolor  
}, function () {
        'border-left-color': 'black'  

$("a").hover(function () {
        color: thecolor
}, function () {
        color: 'black'



Error message

Answer №1

To ensure proper assignment, remember to enclose both the CSS property and static value in quotes. The correct syntax is:

    'border-left-color': thecolor  //border-left-color

Answer №2

Here are a few options at your disposal:

Opt for using quotation marks:

    'border-left-color': thecolor

Rename the attribute to "snakename":

    borderLeftColor: thecolor

If you have only one property to modify, consider simplifying it like so:

$(this).css('border-left-color', thecolor);

Answer №3

When incorporating CSS properties through jQuery, it is important to adhere to camel casing. For example, border-bottom should be written as borderBottom, and border-left-color should be coded as borderLeftColor

Answer №4

Make sure to wrap it in a string literal:

... $(this).css({
     'border-left-color':  theColor

Answer №5

Give this a shot:

$("selector").css('border-left', 'solid 1px red');

Check out the live demonstration here:

Answer №6

There are two choices available to you.

In Quotes:

    'border-left-color': '#AAA'

Using CamelCase:

    borderLeftColor: '#AAA'

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