Is it better to apply the font-family to the body or to the html element?

Is it more appropriate to specify the font-family CSS property on the html element or the body element?

html {
    font-family: sans-serif;


body {
    font-family: sans-serif;

I've looked into this issue online, but there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus.

Answer №1

When it comes to deciding whether to apply the font-family property to the html or body element, you have options. Both elements are connected in the document hierarchy, with all displayed elements being descendants of the body element, which is itself a child of the html element. This means that all elements can inherit the font-family property from either one. And if an element doesn't naturally inherit it, you can always override its font-family property by setting it to inherit.

But what is considered best practice and why? Let's explore this further...

The html element represents the entire document, including metadata that isn't visible, while the body element specifically represents the content of the document. Since the font-family property is related to styling content, it might make sense to assign it to the body element. So, one could argue in favor of applying it to the body.

Where do browsers define text formatting properties like font-family? Browsing through user agent stylesheets for Safari (WebKit), Mozilla Firefox, and Chrome didn't reveal a global font-family declaration. However, in Safari, the global text color property is set on the html element, hinting that WebKit browsers may define global font properties there.

CSS resets, such as Bootstrap's _reboot.scss, address this issue by setting the default font family on the html element:

// Change the default font family in all browsers.
html {
   font-family: sans-serif;

Despite this, Bootstrap also overrides it on the body element in the stylesheet:

body {
   margin: 0;
   font-family: $font-family-base;

According to CSS specifications, font-family can be applied to 'all elements' without dictating where it should be declared. Looking at examples from W3C documents like the CSS Fonts Module Level 3 and CSS2 provides insights into setting font-family on the body element.

In the end, based on various considerations and guidelines, the scales seem to tip slightly towards assigning the font-family property to the body element rather than the html element.

Answer №2

The best approach is to define the font-family property within the body tag.

body {
   font-family: Arial !important;

Using the !important declaration ensures that your chosen font-family remains intact even if you are utilizing other frameworks.

Alternatively, you can leverage the * selector.

* {
    font-family: Arial !important;

The * selector targets all elements universally, although it will be prioritized at the bottom of the hierarchy for overriding specific selectors.

Keep in mind that applying the !important rule to the * selector enforces the specified font style without being impacted by previous declarations for individual elements like body or p.

Answer №3

Utilizing the * selector can provide broader coverage for your styles. For instance, form elements like input do not automatically inherit font styles from html and body tags. By setting it with the * selector, you ensure that your font styles cascade down to all HTML elements.

* {
  font-family: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, sans-serif;

Check out this demonstration comparing the effects of using the * selector versus styling only the html and body elements.

Answer №4

Enhancing the appearance of the <body> tag is most effectively done by adding styles to it. This is because of its hierarchical nature, which dictates that all global styles should be included within this tag.

For more information, please visit:

Answer №5

When working on a project, the optimal location for your CSS code would typically be in a separate linked style page. However, it seems like you might be looking to include it directly in your HTML file based on your question.

If you do choose to include your CSS within the same file as your HTML, using an internal style sheet by placing "style" tags within the "head" tags is the next best option:

    <!–– Insert CSS Code Here -->

Alternatively, you can write inline styles directly at the point of the element you want to style.

The recommended approach may vary depending on the nature of the project. Generally, using an external style sheet is considered the most efficient method as it allows for better organization and readability. For smaller projects with minimal CSS, an internal style sheet could also be a suitable choice. Inline styling, while possible, is not commonly advised.

Answer №6

My presumption is that your website will feature a single font family. The optimal approach to achieving this is by utilizing

* selector, which targets all elements on the page:


Answer №7

When it comes to altering the font-family for the entire webpage, user7357089 and nashcheez have a solid point in suggesting that placing it within the body tag is the most efficient method. Considering that all of the visible HTML content is encompassed by the body tag, incorporating the font-family declaration at this level would eliminate any unnecessary coding.

Answer №8

While it is commonly recommended to specify the font-family on the body element, there are actually few disadvantages to applying it to the html element as well. One alternative worth considering is using the :root pseudo-class selector. This selector targets the root of the page (typically the html element) and could offer more convenience in certain situations.

Although the :root selector is typically used for defining CSS custom properties and font sizes, there's no harm in setting the font-family within it as well.

:root {
  /* ...custom properties, font-size, etc... */
  font-family: serif;

Answer №9

It is common for individuals to define the font family within the body element. However, as there is no definitive right or wrong approach (since all elements stem from the html and body elements), it is important to choose one method and remain consistent. This principle applies to all programming decisions you encounter, ultimately simplifying the debugging process of your work.

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