Is there a reason why the integration of OnsenUI with Vue using vue-onsenui and v-ons-segment is not functioning

I am experiencing an issue with OnsenUI and VUE vue-onsenui v-ons-segment. Instead of displaying a button bar in a row as expected, I am seeing standard buttons.

The problematic code resides in a customized Monaca CLI project utilizing the minimal VUE template, specifically within a .vue file named page2.vue. I also attempted replacing the code in App.vue but encountered the same outcome.

Here is the code snippet:

<p style="text-align: center">This is the second page</p>
<p style="text-align: center">and hello again</p>

Based on the documentation, the output should resemble this example:

Attached here is a screenshot showcasing the unexpected result:

The top toolbar features a v-ons-toolbar with a v-ons-back button indicating that vue-onsenui has been successfully implemented.

What could be causing this issue?

My current environment includes: - Monaca 2.4.1 - Node: 8.5.0 - NPM: 5.4.2 - vue-onsenui: 2.0.0

Answer №1

To resolve this issue, make sure to update your onsenui and vue-onsenui dependencies to the most recent version available. You can find the detailed changelog here.

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