My website includes a <div> section that features both an image and a <figcaption>. However, when I attempt to apply padding to the <figcaption>, it does not seem to take effect

I've been trying to troubleshoot this code, but the padding just won't cooperate and I can't seem to figure out why.

 .img-caption {
        border: 2px solid #000;
<div class=img-div>
        <img class="image interpreter" src="">
        <figcaption class="img-caption interpreter-caption"><h3>Interpreter of Maladies</h3><p>Sit tempor amet dolor sanctus sed clita consetetur et justo, et et et gubergren lorem dolor ea dolor. Aliquyam sed.Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minus provident id aut tenetur, nam reprehenderit nesciunt, saepe iste animi perferendis ipsum recusandae praesentium? Aliquid nisi reiciendis at debitis est impedit.</p></figcaption>

Answer №1

Your CSS class img-caption is currently set to invisible, which means the padding and other elements within it are not visible. By changing the visibility to visible using visibility:visible;, you will be able to see the figcaption and observe that the padding is being applied properly.

.img-caption {
    border: 2px solid #000;
<div class=img-div>
    <img class="image interpreter" src="">
    <figcaption class="img-caption interpreter-caption"><h3>Interpreter of Maladies</h3><p>Sit tempor amet dolor sanctus sed clita consetetur et justo, et et et gubergren lorem dolor ea dolor. Aliquyam sed.Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minus provident id aut tenetur, nam reprehenderit nesciunt, saepe iste animi perferendis ipsum recusandae praesentium? Aliquid nisi reiciendis at debitis est impedit.</p></figcaption>

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