Is gulp.dest set to match the current file?

I'm having trouble directing my compiled .css file to the same directory as its original .scss version.

gulp.task('sass', function() {
        return gulp.src([
            appDir + '/*.scss',
            appDir + '/**/*.scss'

I'm unsure how to specify gulp.dest to save the compiled file in the same location as the original .scss file, so that both files are present in the same folder.

Answer №1

Incorporate a personalized function to define unique paths for individual files.

var customPath = require('custom-path');

    .pipe(gulp.dest(function(file) {
        return customPath.getUniquePath(file.path); // <- this line specifies the customization

Answer №2

Avoid restrictions when setting the destination, as you have the flexibility to choose any location.

For example, assign a unique destination for different purposes such as Staging, UAT, and Prod releases.

Refer to the gulp-dest documentation for practical demonstrations. By integrating tasks with gulp-yargs, it is possible to customize attributes for managing destinations and versions effectively.

Take a look at this code snippet:

gulp.task('scss', function () {
    var appDir = './public/css';
    return gulp.src([
        appDir + '/*.scss',
        appDir + '/**/*.scss'

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