Conceal the Angular Bootstrap modal instead of shutting it down

I am utilizing Angular Bootstrap Modal to launch multiple modals, including a video player.

My goal is to maintain the video's current position even when the modal is closed. This way, when I reopen the same modal, I can resume watching the video from where I left off.

In order to achieve this, I must:

  1. Create a separate instance for each modal

  2. Instead of using close(), I should hide() the modal. By doing so, the DOM elements remain intact and the video player does not need to be re-created.

I'm looking for an elegant solution since the Bootstrap modal does not have a hide feature. Is it advisable to use jQuery to show/hide the .modal-backdrop and .modal classes?

Answer №1

Extracted from a discussion on maintaining Angular Bootstrap modals upon closure:

Consider abstracting the modal state into its own service. This way, the modal controller can initialize the view state using the service.

For example, create a service:

.factory('ModalStateService', function(){
    var state = {
        someValue: 'something'

    return {
        getState: function() { return state; }

In your controller:

.controller('ModalCtrl', function($scope, ModalStateService){
    $scope.viewState = ModalStateService.getState();

In your modal content view:


If you update someValue within your modal, like through an input, the service state will be updated. This ensures that the state persists even when the modal is created and destroyed.

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