Toggle button to collapse the Bootstrap side bar on larger screens

I am currently utilizing the following template:

An issue I am facing is that I want my sidebar to either shrink or hide when a button is clicked, specifically on a 22" PC screen.

I have experimented with several solutions without achieving success.

Although I am using AngularJS, I wonder if there might be a solution using jQuery instead?

When the sidebar is hidden, I would like the screen to expand, similar to how it functions in this template:

Unfortunately, I cannot utilize this template as I do not use Gulp.

If you have any insights or ideas, they would be greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day!

Whenever I attempt to hide the SIDEBAR DIV using JQUERY, all I end up with is a blank space - the other divs do not automatically resize to fit the wider screen:

Answer №1

One way to accomplish this is by using a straightforward JavaScript function.

Check out this Example

$('#button').click(function () {
        $("#myDiv").animate({width:'toggle'},300); //300 represents the speed (in milliseconds)

Answer №2

Here is a demonstration of the concept I mentioned earlier in a comment. When a button is clicked, jQuery will remove the specified class from a column in the sidebar, hide the sidebar, remove another class from the main content area, and add a new class to expand it.

Check out this Example


 <div class="container">
<div id="sidebar" class="col-sm-3">sidebar content</div>
<div id="content" class="col-sm-9> <button type="button" onclick="myfunction()">hide the sidebar </button> </div> 


function myfunction(){

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