The font implemented in Bootstrap does not appear to be adapting well to different

As I embark on the Bootstrap journey, I find that everything looks great on my desktop browser in terms of responsiveness. However, when I switch to my iPhone 6, it doesn't seem to display as expected...

Provided below are a few screenshots:

Desktop (scaled down to simulate a mobile browser size)

Phone (iPhone 6)

The issue is quite evident... It seems like I may have overlooked something.

You can view my code at this URL:

Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated :)

Answer №1

Avoid using pixel units for font sizing. Consider using rem, em, or % based values instead. It's important to include a line-height attribute to prevent your typefaces from being cutoff. Make sure to incorporate responsive formulas when calculating widths. Check out for more information.

By the way, your website looks fantastic! You should feel proud of the hard work you've put in. :)

Answer №2

Issue resolved.

The root cause was the absence of the following code in my <head>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

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