The Youtube Subscribe Embed feature is causing my image to lose its corners

When I use the official embed code from Google Developers to embed my YouTube channel, it cuts off the corners of my image and leaves white corners. This doesn't look good on my website with a black background.

<script src=""></script>

<div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="GoogleDevelopers" data-layout="full" data-theme="dark" data-count="default"></div>

- This is the issue I am facing

I have noticed that by styling the .yt-thumb {background: #f1f1f1;}, the problem gets resolved as seen when removed using the Element Inspector.

Thank you in advance! :)

Answer №1

Manipulating the HTML inside an iFrame directly is not possible due to CORS restrictions, as discussed in this StackOverflow post. However, there is a workaround available. Youtube provides the option to generate a button without the channel picture, allowing you to use the button and image separately.

On a related note, I noticed that your website has an EU domain and addresses EU citizens. It's important to be aware that embedding the Youtube subscribe button directly may violate GDPR regulations in the EU. Additionally, ensure that your site includes a proper imprint with all necessary contact details.

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