Streamlined Boilerplate to Kickstart Your Project

Can anyone suggest a well-crafted boilerplate .less file to kickstart a new project? I'm looking for a comprehensive .less file that includes:

  • CSS Resets styles
  • CSS Normalizer styles
  • CSS3 Helpers (box radius, gradients, box shadow, transition)
  • Basic Colors Setup
  • Basic Styling for common UI elements like buttons, tables, inputs, typography, etc.
  • Responsive images

I have limited control over the markup and need to customize classes that are already defined. Libraries like Bootstrap that rely on specific class definitions won't work for me. I'm hoping for a markup agnostic boilerplate .less file to provide a solid foundation.

Answer №1

Consider using a minimal amount of extend, bootstrap still serves as an excellent starting point. Select only the less files you need from it, such as normalize.less and mixins.less from the bootstrap project.

If desired, utilize extend to incorporate additional elements from bootstrap.

p {
    &:extend(.clearfix all);
img {


p {

If concerned about namespace clashes, try conducting global search and replace operations. If assistance is needed with this, feel free to reach out. I have previously developed a solution for this issue.

It is essential to have access to the bootstrap project source - simply visit this link and click 'Download Zip' -

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