Combining the background images of two separate <div> elements results in a deeper shadow effect than when they are individually displayed

Encountering an issue with overlapping background images that results in a darker shadow where they intersect, causing an uneven appearance.

The problem arises with a flexible height box containing semi-transparent background images designed to create attractive borders. The box consists of 3 elements.

To view the image of the bottom left corner of the box, click here:

The individual background images can be found at these links:

Here is the code for the box:

<div class="centerbox"> <!-- Background image fixed at the bottom. -->
   <div class="head">   <!-- Background image fixed at the top. -->
   <div class="body">   <!-- Vertically repeated background image. -->

An evident issue is the presence of a darker shadow where the bottom and middle images overlap (red area), due to the excessive height of the bottom background image.

Reducing the size of the image is not a viable solution as it may cause a gap in the shadow when a margin-bottom is applied to the last element within the div container.

If anyone has suggestions or advice on how to resolve this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

The transparent png files create a blending effect when overlapped due to their alpha channel, resulting in a double shadow in your situation.

To avoid this double shadow effect, consider converting the images to non-transparent if your website has a solid background color like plain white. This way, you can still achieve the shadow effect without it blending together on a white background.

Answer №2

Would it be possible in this scenario to simply apply a solid background color to the "body" class?

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