The ">" CSS child selector does not seem to be functioning correctly with specific properties

While experimenting with applying CSS properties to direct child elements of a parent element using ">", I noticed that it works smoothly with certain properties like borders, but not so much with font-related properties such as color and font-weight.

Here is the HTML structure I was working with:

  <li>Item 1</li>
      <li>Subitem 2A</li>
      <li>Subitem 2B</li>


ul>li {

In this case, the color: #F00 property is applied to all li elements under the parent, including both direct children and nested ones. The expectation was for it to only affect the direct child lis.


ul>li {
    border: solid 1px #000;

The above code behaves as anticipated, applying the border exclusively to the direct child li elements.

I understand that this issue can be resolved by overriding the styles with another class. However, I am curious about why certain CSS properties are inherited throughout all levels of hierarchy while others are not.

Answer №1

The occurrence is a result of the innate inheritance feature found in specific CSS Properties. These properties pass their values down to child elements automatically.

For further information on inheritance in different CSS properties, refer to this comprehensive document by W3C: Complete property table

Answer №2

take a look at this solution

View Demo

  <li>Item 1</li>
      <li>Subitem 2A</li>
      <li>Subitem 2B</li>

check out the css styling below

ul > li {
ul > li > ol > li {

Answer №3

give this a shot

ul > li ol li {color:black;}

Answer №4

Since the listing component is currently taking on the color attribute from its container, you must make adjustments to override it.

To do so, insert the following CSS rules before your own:

li { 
    color: #000; 

ul>li { 

This will effectively replace the inherited color value.

Answer №5

If you're looking for a solution, check out this helpful resource:

To target these specific elements, you can use the following CSS rule:

ul:first-child {
    // your styles here

I hope this information proves useful for you.

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