Activating scrolling through Javascript

A friend of mine created a web page to help me learn some JavaScript. He designed a feature where the content in each div becomes visible as soon as the user scrolls past it. However, I noticed that the content appears too late for my liking. I would like to modify it so that the animation activates when the user has scrolled 80% down the section above it or -20% into the next section. I apologize for the lengthy explanation, but it's quite challenging to explain in words. Please check out the jsfiddle link provided to see what I mean.

Here is the fiddle


function scrollContent(){

//store the header as a variable
var header = document.getElementById("header");

//the first item in an array isnt the "1"st itemm its the "0"th.
//so to select the first item, you say sections[0], to select the second item, you say sections[1] etc etc.

//get all of the elements with the class "section"
//and store them in an array
var sections = document.getElementsByClassName("section");

//do the same as above, for the "content" elements.
var contents = document.getElementsByClassName("content");

//get the height of the page
//which, because of our css, is also the height of one section
var height = window.innerHeight;

//get users position on the page
var ypos = window.pageYOffset; 

//which section the user is currently on
//we work this out by dividng the user's position on the page
//by the height of the actual page (which is the same height as one section)

//for example, if the user is 1000 pixels down and the page is 500 pixels high,
//1000 divided by 500 is 2, so they are on the second section.
//we wrap the sum in Math.floor() to round it down to the nearest whole number
var currentSection = Math.floor(ypos / height);

//stops the animation breaking when people try to scroll above the top of the page
if(currentSection < 0){
    currentSection = 0;

//loop through all of the sections
for(var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++){
    //if the section is currently in view
    if(i <= currentSection){
        //make the content viewable
        contents[i].style.opacity = "1";
    //if not
    } else {
        //hide the content
        contents[i].style.opacity = "0";


window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollContent);


Answer №1

If you wish to modify the variable ypos (user scroll position), you can do so by adjusting it like this:

var ypos = window.pageYOffset + Math.floor(height * 0.2);

The value of * 0.2 represents 20% of the height/window.innerHeight. This essentially adds a buffer of 20% of the height to the scroll position, allowing the remaining (opacity) code to load in advance.

You have the flexibility to change the value of 0.2 to control when the content appears on the screen while scrolling.

Answer №2

Incorporate JavaScript and verify the innerHeight property

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