Parallax Effect Slows Down When Scrolling In Web Page

Currently in the process of creating a website with a scrolling parallax effect using Stellar.js on the header and three other sections. However, I'm experiencing lag when scrolling, especially at the top of the page.

I've attempted to reduce lag by compressing background images, but it hasn't had much impact. Removing the blur effect helped slightly, but didn't completely resolve the issue.

The website performs well on Firefox (Windows 10) with minimal frame drops, but experiences significant lag on Chrome (both Windows and macOS) and Safari browsers.

There are several JS scroll-triggered scripts in use, but unsure if they may be contributing to the problem. Any recommendations or suggestions?

Answer №1

If you want to control the frequency of scroll events, consider implementing event throttling. With debouncing, an event is delayed until a certain amount of time has passed before firing again. Throttling, on the other hand, limits how often an event can occur within a specific timeframe.

Here's a sample function for event throttling (credit: )

// Implement the throttle function
function throttle(callback, limit) {
    var waiting = false;              // Initially not waiting
    return function() {               // Return a throttled function
        if (!waiting) {                // If not currently waiting
  ;           // Execute user's function
            waiting = true;             // Prevent future invocations
            setTimeout(function() {    // Set a timeout
                waiting = false;        // Allow future invocations
            }, limit);

To apply this function, use it like this:

function callback() {

window.addEventListener("scroll", throttle(callback, 200));

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