Struggling to find solutions for debugging HTML codes in Visual Studio Code and linking my CSS page to my HTML page

I ran into some issues with linking my CSS stylesheet to my HTML pages. I tried using the

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
command, where style.css is the name of the file. However, for some reason, it wasn't working as expected. For reference, here is an image of the CSS file: View CSS file image here. I made sure to check the indentation in both files, but couldn't find any errors causing the problem. Additionally, my debugging suddenly stopped working. I use Chrome as my default debugger and have attempted to troubleshoot by modifying the launch.json file without success. When trying to debug, the browser displays an error message stating "this site can't be reached. Localhost refused to connect." You can see a screenshot of the browser error message here: Browser debugging report image. In my efforts to resolve these issues, I've made changes to the launch.json file and no longer remember its original content. This is what it looks like now: Current launch.json configuration screenshot. If anyone has encountered these problems before or has suggestions on how to fix them, please help me out. Thank you.

Answer №1

It seems like there is no webserver detected in your captures. Please ensure that you have:

  1. updated the hosts on your system
  2. Activated a webserver if you intend to use URLs such as http://localhost:8080, such as Wamp or Docker image

Alternatively, you can simply open the HTML file in your browser by dragging and dropping it into the browser window. This should work correctly if your relative path files are accurate.

Have a great day!

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