A custom class that uses toggleClass() does not trigger an alert upon a click event

I am encountering an issue with the toggleClass() function in jQuery that I haven't seen addressed before. Despite successfully toggling the class of one button when clicked, I am unable to trigger a click event on the newly toggled class.

Here is the setup: I have two buttons. When I click the first button, it toggles a class on the second button which changes its color. However, when I try to add a click event to the 'pushed' class, nothing happens.


<button type='button' id='button1'>button 1</button>
<button type='button' id='button2'>button 2</button>


.pushed {
    background-color: salmon;


$('#button1').click(function () {

$('.pushed').click(function () {

Feel free to test it out here: https://jsfiddle.net/tk9pt3o2/

Answer №1

By attempting to target the element with .pushed before it has been created, you are running into issues. Here is a more effective approach:

$(document).on('click', '.pushed',function () {
  alert('You have pushed the button!')

The on method will attach the click event handler to both existing and potential future elements that match the selector.

Answer №2

Keep in mind that you have the ability to easily register events for current Dom elements. It is important to note that $('.pushed') will return a jquery object without any element to bind the event to.

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