Explore the limitless possibilities of using jQuery Superscrollorama with fixed backgrounds

I am looking to achieve a scrolling effect with multiple elements, specifically three pictures in this case.

While it is easy to implement scrolling, my goal is to keep the background fixed during the scroll event and have it move once the scrolling is complete.


<div id="infografik">
    <div id="innerWrapper">
        <div class="minerWrapper">
            <img class="miner1" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/infografik/00_miners/Girl_Miner.png" alt="girl miner" />
            <img class="miner2" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/infografik/00_miners/Head_Miner.png" alt="girl miner" />
            <img class="miner3" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/infografik/00_miners/Boy_Miner.png" alt="girl miner" />


    background:url('../images/infografik/whole_bkgd_2.jpg')center center no-repeat;
    margin:0 auto;


controller.pin($('#infografik'), 700, {
    anim: (new TimelineLite())
            TweenMax.fromTo($('img.startGM'), .45,
                {css:{width: 22}, immediateRender:true},
                {css:{width: 172}})
    onUnpin: function(){
        $('#infografik').css('position', 'relative');
}, -2000);

I initially tried setting the background to a fixed position, but it kept jumping back to its original position after the scroll event...

I also attempted to use superscrollorama's pin function on the minerWrapper element, but that resulted in the miners remaining static while the background continued to move. I need everything to move during the scroll event.

Regards, Timmi

I need to h

Answer №1

Timotheus, your approach to this issue seems misguided. The pin should be used to set the page in place, rather than changing the background.

It's important to avoid making position changes with the pin as it could lead to unexpected results in the DOM. I suggest starting fresh by removing all positioning.

Based on my understanding, you are attempting to animate three images but I'm not quite following your intent. Would it be possible for you to create a JSFiddle or similar demonstration for better clarity?

Answer №2

To address this issue, we can implement an automatic scroll down function when the webpage is loaded.

Below is the script that achieves this:

function ScrollDown() {
     window.scroll(0, 1); 

Check out these example links for reference:


We value your input and suggestions on how to improve this further. Please share your thoughts with us.

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