Tips for stopping variables from leaking in JavaScript

I'm currently working on a JavaScript code for my task manager website. Each page has its own JS file, but I've noticed that the data saved in one file seems to leak over to the others. How can I contain these variables so that tasks don't show up on unintended webpages?

Check out my website:

var myObj= { 
    textSelect: function(){
    hide: function() {
    document.getElementById("form").style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById("show").style.display = "inline-block";


    document.getElementById("form").style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("show").style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById('myDate').valueAsDate = new Date();
    removeTask: function () {
    var id = this.getAttribute('id');
    var myTasks = returnToDo();
    myTasks.splice(id, 1);
    localStorage.setItem('myData', JSON.stringify(myTasks));
    document.getElementById('myTasks').innerHTML = '';

function returnToDo(){
    var myTasks = [];
    var myTasksTemp = localStorage.getItem('myData');
    if(myTasksTemp != null){
        myTasks = JSON.parse(myTasksTemp);
    return myTasks;
function Task(){ = document.getElementById('name').value;
    this.subject = document.getElementById('subject').value; = document.getElementById('myDate').value;
    this.describe = document.getElementById('description').value;
function newTask(x,y,z,o){
    document.getElementById('myTasks').innerHTML +=
        '<div class="col l3 m4 s12 animated zoomIn"> <h4>'+z+  ':</h1>'+
        '<p>'+y+'</p>' +
        '<p>By: '+x+'</p>' +
        '<p>Due: ' +o +'</p>'+
        '<div class="btn red" >Delete</div>'+
function showMyTasks(){
    var myTasks = returnToDo();
    document.getElementById('myTasks').innerHTML = '';
    for(var i=0;i<myTasks.length;i++){
    var button = document.getElementsByClassName('red');
    for (var j = 0; j < button.length; j++) {
        button[j].addEventListener('click', myObj.removeTask);
        console.log(button[j].addEventListener('click', myObj.removeTask));

function submitInfo(){
    var myTasks = returnToDo();
    myTasks.push(new Task);

Answer №1

Is there a way to prevent tasks from leaking over to another webpage?

When it comes to JavaScript programs within a <script> element, they are contained within the page where the element is located and do not carry over to other webpages.

I've noticed that saved data seems to leak into other JS files. How can this be avoided?

To prevent conflicts with variables declared in different <script> elements on the same page: Avoid using global variables.

You have a few options:

  1. Utilize
    <script type="module"
    to create your script as a module
  2. Enclose your script in a block and use const or let instead of var
  3. Wrap your code in an IIFE

It's also important to avoid implicit globals. Running your script in strict mode helps detect these errors more easily, and modules automatically run in strict mode.

Answer №2

To implement a TODO list across multiple pages, ensure the key used for saving data is unique to that specific list. You can achieve this by initializing a variable in your code and referencing it throughout your script.

  const todoPage = 'media';
<script src="yourTodoCode.js"></script>

When accessing local storage, utilize the variable you set:

// retrieve data
var myTasksTemp = localStorage.getItem(todoPage);
// save data
localStorage.setItem(todoPage, JSON.stringify(myTasks));

Consider creating a class to organize your code and reduce reliance on global variables.

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