Internet Explorer 11 fails to interpret the attribute attr.xlink:href

I am a beginner in Angular 2 and I'm working on creating an icon component. The code I have below works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, but unfortunately, it's not functioning in Internet Explorer 11.

Here is what my component looks like:

  selector: 'my-icon',
  template: `
    <svg *ngIf="_iconClass" class="icon" [ngClass]=_iconClass 
      xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
      <use xlink:href="" attr.xlink:href="#{{ _iconClass }}" />
export class MyIcon {

  private _iconClass: string = '';
  @Input() set iconClass(i: string) {
    if ((i !== undefined) && (i.indexOf('.ico') > -1)) {
      // remove .ico from iconname
      this._iconClass = i.substr(0, i.length - 4);
    } else {
      this._iconClass = i;

Then, I'm using it in another component like this:

<my-icon iconClass="icon--user"></my-icon>

I haven't included all the code, but I hope you get the idea. When I checked in Developer tools, the <use xlink:href> tag is empty. I suspect that IE 11 may not recognize

attr.xlink:href="#{{ _iconClass }}"

I can't seem to figure out the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


This error message is displayed in the console

EXCEPTION: TypeError: Unable to get property 'contains' of undefined or null reference in [_iconClass in MyIcon@1:9]

private validateIcon(): void {
    if ((this._iconClass !== undefined) && (this._iconClass !== '') && (document.getElementById(this._iconClass) === null)) {
      if (this._validateIconRunOnce) {
        console.warn('Icon(' + this._iconClass + ') not found.');
        this._iconClass = 'not-found';
      } else {
        // delay validate icon for 3s to wait until the iconlibrary is loaded
        this._validateIconRunOnce = true;
        setTimeout(() => this.validateIcon(), 3000);

Answer №1


I really appreciate your help and guidance. I was able to find the perfect solution on this page:

Adding classList.js is necessary to enable svg support in IE9 and above.

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