The daterangepicker reigns supreme above all other elements

Just a heads up, I am utilizing daterangepicker from this link: . Recently, I encountered an issue where the input field was overlapping with other elements like bootstrap Modals or menus.

<div class="col-md-3 form-group">
<div class="picker-carte" style="position:relative;">
<label for="datePicker" class=" control-label">Select date :</label>
 <input type="text" name="datePicker" class="form-control daterangepicker" value="{{$start_date}} - {{$end_date}}" data-start="{{$start_date}}" data-end="{{$end_date}}">

I attempted to resolve it by adding this inline style:


or by including this snippet in the picker-carte class:

.picker-carte {
    z-index: 0 !important;

The layout appeared like this:

and here's another image:

Answer №1

Don't waste time fixing the datepicker, simply raise the z-index of the "top bar"

.top-bar { /* adjust z-index to prioritize top bar display */
  position: relative; /* modify as necessary */
  z-index: 100; /* adjust according to requirements */

Answer №2

they have assigned a z-index of 3001 to the class daterangepicker.

I applied the following CSS code to resolve the issue:

.daterangepicker { 
z-index: 0!important; 

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