Several radial progress charts in JavaScript

While attempting to recreate and update this chart, I successfully created a separate chart but encountered difficulties with achieving the second progress.

The secondary chart

<div id="radial-progress-vha">
            <div class="circle-vha">
            <div class="mask-vha full-vha">
            <div class="fill-vha"></div>
            <div class="mask-vha half-vha">
            <div class="fill-vha"></div>
            <div class="fill-vha fix-vha"></div>
            <div class="shadow-vha"></div>
            <div class="inset-vha">
            <div class="percentage-vha">22.17</div>

Realizing that each graph should be unique, I duplicated the original CSS with different names. This is where things started to fall apart.

The JavaScript code

var transform_styles = ['-webkit-transform', '-ms-transform', 'transform'];
window.randomize = function() {
var rotation = Math.floor((180)*.123);
var fix_rotation = rotation;
for(i in transform_styles) {
    $('.circle .fill, .circle .mask.full').css(transform_styles[i],'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg)');
//$('.circle .mask.left').css(transform_styles[i], 'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg)');
$('.circle .fill.fix').css(transform_styles[i],'rotate(' + fix_rotation + 'deg)');
setTimeout(window.randomize, 200);

Answer №1

I was able to solve the issue with a functional fiddle:

The key problems that needed addressing included:

  • Eliminating the redundant definition of transform-styles
  • Removing unnecessary lines like $('#radial-progress-va'); and $('#radial-progress-vha');
  • Changing the name of the second instance of window.randomize
  • Adapting the second randomize function to work with css classes incorporating the -vha suffix
  • Correcting a typo in the CSS which caused the .fill-vha selector to malfunction due to a missing period

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