Utilizing the "row" and "column" attributes in Angular (Flexbox) results in significant spacing between input fields within the HTML code

I'm working on aligning 2 input fields side by side within the same line. To achieve this, I've been utilizing Flexbox. However, I've observed that when using Flex with both 'row' and 'column', it introduces extra spacing as shown in the image below:

Here is the code structure:


<div class="flex-disp-apidefs-container">
    <div class="flex-disp-apidefs-list">

    <div class="flex-disp-apidefs-form">


        <div class="row">

            <!-- Name -->
            <div class="col">
                <div class="md-form">

                    <input required type="text" id="materialapidefsFormName" class="form-control"
                        aria-describedby="materialapidefsFormNameHelpBlock" mdbInput formControlName="name" />

                    <label for="materialapidefsFormName">Name</label>
                        *ngIf="apidefsForm.controls['name'].hasError('required') && apidefsForm.controls.name.touched">
                        Name is required

                        *ngIf="apidefsForm.controls['name'].hasError('maxLength') && apidefsForm.controls.name.touched">
                        maximum Length is 25

            <!-- Description -->
            <div class="col">
                <div class="md-form">

                    <input required type="text" id="materialapidefsFormDescription" class="form-control"
                        aria-describedby="materialapidefsFormDescriptionHelpBlock" mdbInput
                        formControlName="description" />

                    <label for="materialapidefsFormDescription">Description</label>
                        *ngIf="apidefsForm.controls['description'].hasError('required') && apidefsForm.controls.description.touched">
                        Description is required

                        *ngIf="apidefsForm.controls['description'].hasError('maxLength') && apidefsForm.controls.description.touched">
                        maximum Length is 50

[... snip ...]


.flex-disp-apidefs-container {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    width: 100%;
    flex: auto;

.flex-disp-apidefs-list {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column; 

.flex-disp-apidefs-form {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column; 
    //width: 100%;




.text-center {
    width: 100%;

    width: 100%;
    padding: 30px;
    background-color: var(--accent-lighter-color);


QUESTION: Is there a way to reduce the vertical space between two sets of input fields?

Any assistance, suggestions, or tips would be highly appreciated.


ETA I recently encountered an issue while trying to copy the code to Stackblitz (seems like it's related to a paid product - unsure if it should be included in StackBlitz).

Looking for solutions to address this problem...

Answer №1

I made a change to the CSS by switching the display property from 'flex' to 'grid'. This adjustment proved to be more user-friendly as it eliminated the need to define row and col repeatedly. Additionally, I discovered that the class md-form contained unnecessary padding which was affecting the layout (similar to a previous issue I encountered with the html p tag). To address this, I implemented the following:

.grid-apidefs-form .md-form {
    margin: 0em;
    height: 4em;

This code effectively reset the margin to 0 and set a new height of 4em for the element.

As a result, all functionalities are now operating correctly.

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