Is there a way to link two HTML files containing jQuery within an HTML index file?

I'm currently working on creating an index page for a pair of HTML files that utilize jquery. Let's break down the structure of these files:

  • Emps1, Emps2: These are two HTML tables that start off empty.
  • TabA_stats, TabB_stats: Each HTML file has its own corresponding JS file to import data from .csv files and populate the tables.
  • Tab_A_4-1-2014, Tab_B_4-1-2014: These are two more HTML files that use the previously mentioned empty tables along with JavaScript to create filled out tables.
  • CSV_A_4-1-2014, CSV_B_4-1-2014: These are CSV files containing relevant data.
  • Index: This is where I want to link both Tab1 and Tab2.

My attempt is to reference both Tab_A_4-1-2014 and Tab_B_4-1-2014 within Index so that clicking on a link will execute either one of them on the same page.

The JavaScript logic involves matching the names of HTML tables (Tab_A_04-01-2014 and Tab_B_04-01-2014) with the dates in the CSV files (CSV_A_4-1-2014, CSV_B_4-1-2014) to display the corresponding data within the tables.

Despite my efforts, I am encountering an issue where the tables do not populate as intended. Upon debugging, I suspect that the problem arises when the JS attempts to retrieve the file name:

TabA_stats (problematic snippet):

var path_data = location.pathname.split("_");
var date_info = path_data[2].split(".");
var log_date = date_info[0];

It appears that the JS files only recognize the file as index.html and fail to locate the necessary CSV file for data population.

How can I troubleshoot this issue effectively? Your detailed explanation would greatly assist me, especially since I am relatively new to JS and JQuery, having only spent a week learning it.


Tab1_4-1-2014 (initial focus on the first table):

     <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-latest.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tab1_style.css">


      <div id="tabA_stats_div">       

       //load HTML layout, tables into div "ess_stats_div" 

       //load js file "tabA_stats.js" and run



index (currently focusing on tab1):

     <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-latest.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ess_style.css">


      <div id="topBar">
    <a href ="#" id="load_home"> Tab1 </a>
<div id ="content">        

    $(document).ready( function() {
    $("#load_home").on("click", function() {



Answer ā„–1

Zero-based indexing is a concept in Javascript that you should be aware of. When trying to extract information following the initial underscore, utilize the following code snippet:

var data_info = split_path[1].split(".");

as opposed to

var data_info = split_path[2].split(".");

Answer ā„–2

The issue you are encountering is completely normal; the JavaScript location object contains details regarding the current URL (click here). Therefore, if this script (referred to as part of TabA_stats) is executed on index.html in the root directory, then location.pathname will simply return that same file (index.html), assuming it's being run on a server and not locally viewed, where the full directory path would be included.

Now, let's delve into the inner workings of your browser. When you access your homepage (index.html), your browser sends a request to the server asking for the file index.html. Once the HTML file is received by your browser, it starts parsing through it, extracting any components it needs (such as JavaScript files, images, etc.) and generates requests for those elements, sending them back to the server. Your browser also starts rendering what it can process immediately while continuing to load other resources as they become available (although the exact process may vary slightly based on the browser, the concept remains consistent).

Let's pause there; where does this leave us? At this point, you have a fully loaded DOM, or Document Object Model. Essentially, this represents a tree structure of all HTML elements within the page. Has any JavaScript code been executed yet? Likely yes, but using something like $(document).ready(); allows us to defer our jQuery code (which typically interacts with/manipulates the DOM) until after the complete loading of the DOM. Remember, JavaScript serves as the language foundation, while jQuery functions as an extension or library built upon JS.

Beyond the initial concern highlighted earlier, the modifications made to your post suggest a complex layering system at play. It almost gives the impression of applying Object-Oriented principles to web development. Let's discard the notion that each table stands alone as a separate "object," necessitating its own HTML file. Instead, consolidate all components into minimal resources to enhance user loading speed.

Your setup could potentially streamline down to 1 HTML file and 1 JS file (assumed CSV files serve as external data sources subject to changes). Within your index.html file, include both tabs housing respective table requirements. Define everything as static HTML unless dynamic data must be fetched post-request (e.g., your CSV files). In such cases, leverage jQuery's AJAX functionality to fetch CSV data subsequent to DOM loading.

To summarize: Given the circumstances, research extensively PRIOR TO proceeding further. I advise reevaluating the current structural approach and project mindset. Begin with 1 HTML file and 1 JS file; strive to incorporate as much static HTML before resorting to JS for dynamic data handling. Once accustomed to these concepts, pose specific queries to move forward effectively!

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