JQuery isn't functioning properly on dynamically generated divs from JavaScript

I'm currently tackling an assignment as part of my learning journey with The Odin Project. You can check it out here:

Despite creating the divs using JavaScript or jQuery as specified in the project requirements, I am unable to get jQuery's .hover function to work on these divs.

Here is a snippet of the JavaScript code I used:

function createGrid(resolution) {
    var wr = document.createElement("div");
    wr.setAttribute("id", "wrapper");
    for (x = 0; x < resolution; x++) {
        for (i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
            var pix = document.createElement("div");
            pix.setAttribute("class", "pixel"); 
        var clr = document.createElement("div");
        clr.setAttribute("class", "clearLeft"); 

function getRes() {
    var resolution = prompt("Enter your desired grid resolution. Number must be between 3 and 64");
    if (resolution > 64 || resolution < 3) {
        alert("This number is beyond the acceptable range. Pick a number between 3 and 64");

// While no errors are showing up in the console, the hover effect is not working after adding the script below
$(document).ready(function() {   
    $(".pixel").hover(function() {   
    }, function(){
        $(this).css("background-color", "black");

Answer №1

If you want to add an event handler right after creating your function, you can modify it like this:

function createGrid(resolution) {
  var wr = document.createElement("div");
  wr.setAttribute("id", "wrapper");
  for (x = 0; x<resolution; x++)
      for (i = 0; i<resolution; i++)
        var pix = document.createElement("div");
        pix.setAttribute("class", "pixel"); 
        }, function(){
           $(this).css("background-color", "black");
  var clr = document.createElement("div");
  clr.setAttribute("class", "clearLeft"); 

Another approach is using event delegation by attaching the event handler to a static parent element when working with dynamically created elements using on. Here's how you can do it:

$(document).on("mouseenter",".pixel",function (e) {

$(document).on("mouseleave",".pixel",function (e) {


With this method, you'll need to bind the handlers for mouseenter and mouseleave separately.

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