The app constantly requests permission for geolocation services

While experimenting with the geolocation API, I encountered an issue where my page kept repeatedly asking for permission upon refresh. To work around this problem, I attempted to save my coordinate data to local storage but encountered difficulties in making it function as intended. Is there a method available to prompt for permission just once without these recurring requests?

const COORDINATION = "coords";

function saveCords(coordsOBJ){
    localStorage.setItem(COORDINATION, JSON.stringify(coordsOBJ));

function handleGeoError(position){
    console.log("Failed to find position");

function handleGeoSuccess(position){
   const latitude = position.coords.latitude;
   const longitude = position.coords.longitude;
   const coordsOBJ = {

function askForCoords(){
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(handleGeoSuccess, handleGeoError);

function loadCoordinate(){
    const loadedCords = localStorage.getItem("COORDINATION");
    if(loadedCords === null) {

function init(){

Answer №1

You may have encountered an error in your code due to a mistake where quotes were mistakenly included around COORDINATION, when it should be treated as a variable rather than a string.

To resolve this issue, consider making the following adjustment:

const loadedCords = localStorage.getItem("COORDINATION");

Change it to:

const loadedCords = localStorage.getItem(COORDINATION);

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