I am attempting to modify a particular style of a div by its unique id, but it appears that my code is not functioning properly. The relevant codes are provided below:
$(document).ready(function () {
<div class = "a_10.08.201223:56:49">
Content goes here
<div class="arrow-up" id="10.08.201223:56:49"></div>
The concept behind this setup is that the ids represent dates for comments. For example, 10.08.201223:56:49 is the date for a specific comment, and the a_10.08.201223:56:49 class denotes the trigger area. When the upper div is hovered over, the child arrow div should be displayed. However, when the mouse moves away from the upper div, the arrow should disappear. Unfortunately, I have not been successful in implementing this functionality thus far. Thank you.