The div within the button is failing to properly adjust to height settings

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I'm currently working on a social thumbs up button and I've encountered some challenges. In my button design, I have included a second div to accommodate the right side of it. However, despite trying to adjust its height using CSS to be 300px, it remains around 15px tall. Additionally, the width adjustment doesn't seem to take effect properly. This div is positioned approximately 10px from the right edge of the button container.

Answer №1

To ensure that the button expands to fit any content you place inside, avoid setting a fixed height using the CSS property. You can achieve this by removing the following line from the #b CSS class:

height: 25px;

Instead of using the height property, consider using min-height to allow the button to expand based on its contents. Simply replace the above line with the following:

min-height: 25px;

This concept also applies to the width property in CSS.

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