Incorporating external CSS stylesheets into a custom LESS framework

Is there a reliable method for integrating a third-party CSS file obtained from an external source into my own LESS compile structure without making many changes to it? I anticipate that the external CSS file may be updated periodically, so I would prefer to keep my modifications to a minimum and somehow incorporate it into my local compiled CSS.

For instance, if my stylesheet defines the button class as "k-button" but the external CSS file defines it as just "button," is there a way to align the names while keeping them distinct from each other?

Answer №1

To enhance your styles, you may consider using the extend feature:

Take a look at the Less code below:

.button {
background-color: yellow;
.button-k {
background-color: red;


When executed, it will yield:

.button {
  background-color: yellow;
.button {
  background-color: red;

This will cause the .button class to adopt a background-color of red.

If the classes do not share all the same properties, you can selectively reset the untouched values from .button-k:

.button {
border: 1px solid white;
background-color: yellow;
.button-k {
border: initial;
background-color: red;


By applying border: initial;, the .button class will no longer retain the white border from its original definition.

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