Attempting to place numerous recurrent elements in a fixed position relative to the perspective of the observer

Describing the appearance of my button

<a href="website" class="button">Link 1</a>

Now, I need to place another set of 4 similar buttons in a horizontal row next to it.

<a href="website" class="button">Link 2</a>
<a href="website" class="button">Link 3</a>
<a href="website" class="button">Link 4</a>
<a href="website" class="button">Link 5</a>

I want these buttons to have a position: fixed; so they stay on the navigation bar and remain visible relative to the browser window., due to the fixed attribute, I can't use display:inline-block or display:inline;.

I didn't want to repeat the same button code multiple times just to adjust the position properties. Instead, I thought about creating a general class that would define the vertical positioning of the buttons and then use inline styles for horizontal alignment like this:

<div style="right:10px;">
    <a href="website" style="right: 50px;" class="button">Link 2</a>    

Unfortunately, this method did not work as any additional containers or attributes added to the div element did not affect the button position, even if no right distance was specified.

I could create separate CSS classes for each button with slight variations in horizontal alignment, but this approach seems inefficient and redundant.

Answer №1

Addressing the navbar as a whole is essential for fixing it, rather than focusing on individual navigation items. Utilizing inline-blocks within the fixed nav container can help achieve this.

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