Tips for maintaining alignment of components within an Angular Material tab:

I am facing an issue with keeping items aligned properly. Initially, I had a form with two Angular Material lists placed side by side, each occupying 6 units and it looked good. However, when I tried to enclose these two lists within a material tab, they ended up being displayed one below the other inside the tab. So, my question is why did this happen and how can I resolve it to get them back on the same level with a spacing of 10px between them?

Here you can see what it looks like currently in this Image

You can also view a sample code on Stack Blitz here

Below is the template code:

        <mat-tab-group animationDuration="0ms">
            <mat-tab label="Tracts & Exclusions">

      <mat-card class="col-md-5 space">Tract List 
        <div class="row remove-spinner">
            <input class="col-md-6 input" type="number"  #newTractId  matInput placeholder="Enter Tract Number">
            <div [ngClass]="tractId.selectedOptions.selected.length > 0 ? 'remove-question-button icon-space' : 'remove-question-button icon-space disabled-button'" (click)="remove(tractId.selectedOptions.selected)">
                <div class="fa fa-trash fa-lg" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512" data-fa-i2svg="">

            <div [ngClass]="newTractId.value.length > 0 ? 'remove-question-button icon-space' : 'remove-question-button icon-space disabled-button'"(click)="addItemToTracts(newTractId.value)">
                <div class="fa fa-plus fa-lg"  viewBox="0 0 448 512">
        <mat-selection-list  #tractId [multiple]="true">
            <mat-list-option *ngFor="let id of tract_id" [value]="id">
        <mat-list-option *ngFor="let shoe of tract_id" [value]="shoe" >

      <mat-card class="col-md-5 space">Excluded property's
        <mat-selection-list class="col-md-12" #shoes2>
          <mat-list-option *ngFor="let shoe of tract_id">
    <mat-tab label="History">Content 2</mat-tab>

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this layout, you can utilize flexbox. I have implemented it in the stackblitz example that you forked.

Check out the updated code here.

In my solution, I enclosed the two mat-cards within a div with a custom style:

  display: flex;
  gap: 10px

Your container structure should be like this:

<div class="list-container">

Answer №2

To enhance the layout, include d-md-flex and gap:10px styling to the parent container of mat-card.

<div class="..... d-md-flex" style="gap:10px;">

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