The dimensions of the HTML table do not adjust properly when new items are being appended using JavaScript

I utilized this HTML Code to generate a table:

<div class="noten_tabelle">
            <table id="grades_table" style="width:100%">
              <!-- Populate content with js code -->

Using Javascript, I dynamically update the table each time new values are fetched from the server. Here is the JavaScript function:

function addToTable(subject, oralScore, examScore) {

  var subjectName = getSubjectByNumber(subject);

      //Create row

      var row = document.createElement([subjectName]);
      row.setAttribute("id", [subjectName]);

      //Columns in a row

      var cE = document.createElement("TD");
      var tE = document.createTextNode([subjectName]);

      var a = document.createElement("TD");
      var b = document.createTextNode([oralScore]);

      var c = document.createElement("TD");
      var d = document.createTextNode([examScore]);

To clarify, the subject value is numeric and converted into a String representing the subject name such as "Mathematics" or "German".
Currently, the display looks like this:

However, there are discrepancies. The subject_name "Latin" should be under "Subject", "5.8" should be under "Oral", and "11.4" should align with "Exam".
Moreover, "Vocal Ensemble" should be listed again under "Subject", "4.7" under "Oral", and an empty field under "Exam".

Additionally, here is my CSS styling:

table {
    font-family: Montserrat-Medium;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    width: 100%;

td, th {
    border: 1px solid #dddddd;
    text-align: left;
    padding: 8px;

tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #dddddd;

If you have any insights on rectifying these inconsistencies, please feel free to share them. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

      let newRow = document.createElement("TR");
      newRow.setAttribute("id", [subject_name]);

      //Creating table cells in one line

      let cell1 = document.createElement("TD");
      let text1 = document.createTextNode([subject_name]);

      let cell2 = document.createElement("TD");
      let text2 = document.createTextNode([mdl]);

      let cell3 = document.createElement("TD");
      let text3 = document.createTextNode([klu]);


Answer №2

In reviewing your code, I noticed that you forgot to include the new parent table row for your newly added table cells.

To ensure proper alignment, make sure the cells are placed within a new row containing the same number of table cells.

Simply append a new tr element and place the new td cells inside it.

If you require an uneven number of cells per row, remember to use

colspan={number of columns cell will span over}

Would you like me to provide a code sample to help illustrate this further?

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