Can you guide me on implementing CSS Houdini in Next.js?

Exploring the world of CSS Houdini in my Next.js project has been quite an adventure. After successfully installing the necessary CSS Houdini package and css-paint-polyfill using yarn, I decided to follow the webpack guidelines provided at .

Below is a snippet from my component:

import 'css-paint-polyfill';
import workletURL from 'url-loader!css-houdini-lines';
import styles from './Separator.module.css';


export default function Separator() {
  return <div className={styles.separator} />;

Despite my efforts, I encountered the infamous error message:

error - ReferenceError: window is not defined
at /home/tithos/code/web/new-tim/node_modules/css-paint-polyfill/dist/css-paint-polyfill.js:1:239

Attempting different solutions like placing the import for css-paint-polyfill in a useEffect hook or experimenting with dynamic imports (as suggested on only led to more errors. Is there anyone out there who has managed to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

It seems that the CSS Paint Polyfill is accessing window too eagerly, causing errors in environments without a window object, like during the server phase of Next.js. Here are a few solutions you can try:

  1. Adjust your next.config.js file to mock the module mentioned above for Webpack when isServer is true. You can refer to Next.js documentation for guidance on this.
  2. Create a dynamic component that is only imported on the client side (if you've attempted this before but it didn't work, sharing your approach could help identify any issues).
  3. If all else fails, consider submitting an issue or pull request to the repository hosting the Polyfill to make the access to window more flexible based on its availability.

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