Activate vertical scrolling in JavaScript when an image is clicked

I currently have a collection of button images with different hover effects specified like this:

<img src="home.PNG" onmouseover="this.src='homemo.PNG'" onmouseout="this.src='home.PNG'" />

My goal is to make them scroll down to a different section upon clicking, but I am struggling with implementing this. I came across a code snippet that achieves what I want here, however, I don't know how to apply it to my own set of images.

This is my unsuccessful attempt at making it work:

<script type="text/javascript">

    $("home.PNG").click(function() {
    scrollTop: $(".centre .main .para2").offset().top},

Unfortunately, this script does not function as expected, and I'm uncertain about how to target the image for JavaScript to recognize it as clickable.

Answer №1

you have an incorrect selector

<script type="text/javascript">

    $("#myID").click(function() {
    scrollTop: $(".centre .main .para2").offset().top},

refer to the jquery documentation

Answer №2

To ensure functionality, it is important to include an id attribute in the image element:

<img src='home.PNG' id='homeimg'.....>

This allows for easy access using jQuery selectors like so:


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